Quite a rare occurrence at my in-store events when frosted bottles come along for engraving. So often, I forget to remind the person adding color in the store events, NOT to add color.
When we etch the smooth glass on bottles, the color is rubbed in with a cotton ball. The color covers the engraved letters and surrounding area of the glass. A second cotton ball is used to buff off the color on the smooth glass around the engraving. Easy and fast. The color sticks to the etched part of the glass....the letters and flourishes made by the drill.
The frosted bottles are 'etched' all over their surface. In the manufacturing process, the glass is either chemically or mechanically textured. That texture is rough. Well, microscopically, anyway. When color is rubbed over it, the surface will not release the color like it does on the smooth glass.
All the rubbing and scrubbing you can do will not remove it. Some will come out but you'll never get it back to its original condition. In the photo above, a NEW #6 round carbide bur was used to make the letters. There is enough contrast to make the engraving totally readable. Sorta like blind embossed stationery.

Rub 'N Buff was added to the engraving on the frosted glass.

After brisk rubbing with a cotton ball, this is what you get. Alcohol will take a bit more out, but it won't look any better.

On the front of the bottle, the shape of a full goose is not frosted. I've always put the name of the recipient there; obviously, the gold has been rubbed into the name and the excess rubbed off the smooth glass. So far as I know now, there is no cure for removing color from the frosted area.
Pay attention to the surface of the glass you may later want to color. If it's not perfectly smooth, don't add it! Some bottles are frosted in black. Others in other colors. Save yourself the price of a replacement bottle and let the customer know there is a decision to be made before you begin.
(More GREY GOOSE photos below)
If you have an interest in learning this skill where it's quite easy to earn a bare bones rate of a hundred bucks an hour, call me. We still have openings in the March 13-16 session. I'm at 214.250.6958 round the clock. Ask your questions. I'll help you get here....that's a promise! It'll CHANGE YOUR LIFE!