Pam came on the strong recommendation of a co-worker who attended the September Workshop. They both work for a major airline based in Dallas and both are looking to have a steady stream of income as retirement time approaches. Good plan!

Grady is a tennis pro at an area country club and has tinkered with Calligraphy using pen & ink and markers for several years. In fact, though hard to imagine, he was introduced to Calligraphy as a kid by my kits and books in the 80s! It is NOT necessary that YOU have any Calligraphy experience to learn the engraving of it. I can be of help but is not a requirement. Only about 2% who have attended this class have worked with Calligraphy before.

Martha returned for a one-day visit on the final day of the session. She attended my class several years ago and wanted the opportunity to refresh her style and technique a bit. Martha is also nearing a change in her future after a long career in MRI work for physicians.

Every student gets a lot of one-on help during the three day Workshop. Pam is finishing up one of her three wine bottles engraved on the third and final day.

In preparing for the round, glass dinner plate project each class does, each student drew round circles on flat glass and practiced engraving words, each slanting with respect to ITS guideline on the circle. Note the extended pinky on Grady's right hand; it's an important stabilizer and imperative that it be in that position for every letter engraved!

Learning the techniques for engraving wine glasses is always on the third day of the session. Pam is engraving the base of her glass; students also learn how to do the layout for names and date on the bowl of the glass as well.

Students spend most of the first day working on the alphabet on flat glass. This is Pam's work after only a few hours with the drill. This prepares the students to move on to the various projects each finishes by the end of the 3 days.

The 'Class 93' on the final day of the September, 2016, Workshop.
NOTE: We just booked one additional Class for November 1-4. If you have an interest, call me right away so we can get your Student Packet to you with the pdf of the script and the set of DVDs for you to get ready for the real thing. Remember, you do NOT need pretty handwriting, experience in Calligraphy, or any art talent. You CAN learn this.
The Christmas bonanza for us engravers is on the way!
-Ken 214.250.6958